For Men

While we can replenish our vital energy and money, we cannot replace time.

While we can replenish our vital energy and money, we cannot replace time. We all - and of course you - choose how we spend every minute of our lives. When you choose one activity, you say no to a million others. Coaching men lets me see that many men do not use their time wisely. And that

While we can replenish our vital energy and money, we cannot replace time. 

We all - and of course you - choose how we spend every minute of our lives. When you choose one activity, you say no to a million others. Coaching men lets me see that many men do not use their time wisely. And that inspired me to write this piece. It is a great pity that those men don't see that it is the wrong nature of their choices of spending time that can frustrate them. 

So how can any man start using time wisely? 


A day has 24 hours, a week 168 hours, a year 8,760 hours. You would live 876,000 hours from the moment of birth to the moment of death if you were to die on the day of your 100th birthday. That is not even a million hours. A million hours would equal 114 years of age. Many of us would like to be able to squeeze more into every day. We study strategies and scheduling techniques to manage time well. We use even more time to find ways to do a hundred things at once…


So gentlemen, how - and with whom - do you spend time? Track this for one week and you will quickly see. I helped one man to realise that he killed a lot of time comparing the rates of "escorts". It gave him a good idea of what he can expect to pay for the caliber of woman he wants to find. But it was eating into the time he could spend with the family, or "escorts"! He learned and started doing things differently. 

By reading this article you have voted to give time to your growth, learning, improving the quality and enjoyment of life. And I sincerely thank you for that! You could spend these minutes in a hundred other ways. But you are here. What values are you honouring by reading this wisdom?

And here are more ways that will help you explore how you use time:

  • How do you use time in any sphere of life?
  • If you feel pressure of time, how could you reduce or get rid of the sense of pressure?
  • How does how you spend time reflect your highest values?
  • What have you learnt about yourself from how you spend time?
  • Do you often rush? What's the cost of that?
  • How do you want to spend the time you have left in life?

Reflecting on and reevaluating how we do things can be scary . Scary things are scarier when we're alone for them. But you don't have to be alone – you can get the help of a coach who won't judge and will always add the value of the objective view of your actions and thinking! It will prove one of the best investments of time you've ever made!


In a life of scarce duration seek not mere accumulation. 

Because the heart knows its measure in moments of unbridled pleasure.

In a life of hours many or few the worth of each is up to you. 

A million hours may seem quite vast, yet in an instant they will have passed.

So hold each one with tender care, for the beauty in each is indeed rare. 

In the canvas of time let love be your hue, and savor the hours that belong to you.

The Light Bringer To The World 

Now in and visiting globally on request from London UK until 1 May 2024 

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The Light Bringer To The World 


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